The Brazilian tax system is very complex and is known by the continuous process of changes with deep repercussions in the tax burden and risk assessment and opportunities for companies
LCC is a reference in the solution of complex challenges and it offers professional services to clients, which are based on the broad experience of the leadership in tax matters.
Our professionals are experts in the tax treatment of operations and they adopt strategic practices, improving the efficiency of complex tasks that impairs the development of companies. In this regard, our experts work to identify and decrease tax risks and in the resolution of controversies and compliance with tax obligations.
We work in providing several services in the tax area, in audit and consulting projects to Brazilian and international companies and government agencies or entities:
We offer efficiency in the determination, control and collection of taxes and contributions through solutions that enable to follow up the dynamics and complexity of the Brazilian tax legislation
Our legal consulting services in the tax area are developed by expert to operate on:
Structuring of business in domestic and international operations that the company intends to perform by means of a study and identification of the legal alternatives that may be legally used by the client with the lowest tax burden possible.
Review of procedures related to taxes and contributions to which companies and individuals are subjected, in compliance with the applicable legislation, in order to indicate possible solutions of reduction or postponement of the tax burden, as well as identify eventual contingencies.
Global evaluation of the adopted procedures to identify the areas which may represent benefits, opportunities to recover credits or tax contingencies or, even, that are susceptible to improvement of internal controls.
Talk to our auditors and consultants and learn more
Our tax litigation analyses and develops legal thesis with the purpose to evaluate the possibility to discuss, administratively or legally, tax matters taking into account the probability of success and the financial reflexes arising from it.
We work with administrative and tax litigation, sponsoring assets and liabilities demands, including tax foreclosures. in the administrative area, we work with the preparation of defenses and appeals, including the presentation of memorials and oral support to the Taxpayer Councils and Tax and Rates Court.
Talk to our auditors and consultants and learn more